Part 1: Password

This first stage of the challenge provides us with hash.txt which contains the following hash:

$ cat hash.txt

Looking at this hash the 1st part is a LM hash and the 2nd part is the NTLM hash that we need to crack. Save the NTLM hash to ntlm.txt.

The description for this stage leads me to believe that the hash can be cracked with a Mask attack using hashcat.

$ hashcat -a 3 -m 1000 ntlm.txt -1 ?u?l?d -i --increment-min=5 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

The above command has several parameters;

$ hashcat --show ntlm.txt

Fantastic we have the flag for part 1: H4cky21

Part 2: Scorching